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Friday, September 26, 2008

I wonder?

now why is that i seem to get all these great thoughts whilst I'm trying to go to sleep and would you believe it i actual compose blog posts whilst I'm lying there but then....hmm if you look on my blog recently...not much really happening...

I cant be assed to get up at the time to blog so how can i remember these wonderful, insightful blog post?

Oh well never mind...i blame it on baby brain....poor wee baby not yet born and already it's their fault :-)

I have to say that i would like to back Lisa in saying that i do find it rather strange that you would commit to a course such as YAAD and not want to come to any of the full moon or sabbats? they are one of the major parts of walking this is to me a great way to show your gratitude to the faith you have chosen.

Yes i know that family and work can interfere with all this but all the time? every sabbat or esbat?

i would love to see some more of my sisiters at thses rituals if only to catch up and enjoy their eneriges.

This is all blooged in the best possible love and blessing and is not aimed at anone so please do not worry, just want to hve my i love to do that :-)


Unknown said...

yep, i understand where you are coming from- its a mystery to me.

I too compose great blog posts in bed, only to have them disappear when i go to sleep...
today at jac's was lovely- its a shame you missed it xxx

Hippy Witch said...

Im with you sister, I really enjoy these celebrations.

Jewell said...

go sister.....

Kathie said...

Yes! I need an army of me, just so I can do-be-experience everything that I want to at the same time!

Cyndy said...

I compose some amazing blogs in my head, thern rarely publish them. You have to suffer my inane ramblings instead! ;0)