Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Well i have come to the conclusion that things could have been worse re Bear....he could have hit his head and had Brain damage...he could have broken more than just is leg and if i was further along in my pregnancy i would not have been able to pick Bear I'm looking on the bright side!!!!

Next Thursday we go to the clinic to re-xray and we will be getting a chart up on the wall, at Bear height, so that he can put a sticker on it at the end of each day so that he can track how close to the end he he may not really understand it all but i want him to know that this cast is not on forever.....coz he isn't to know that.....

Bear is boot scooting around on his bum really well so he is happy to be mobile just need to watch for him trying to stand up!!!! Reiki is helping it would...and I'm hoping for great things next week....


wykd wytch said...

poor baby, poor mummy - shit happens......

Unknown said...

yep, it can always be worse- gratitude is the place to be

Lisa xx

Unknown said...

btw- i just wanted to tell you that you are doing so well. This whole accident is big stuff and you are handling it so well Helen.
It would test anyone, especially being pregnant as you are.
I am here if you need me- you have my phone number.
Thank you for loving ANU